AAMH Tees Off Another Golf Outing

May 22 2007 in Events and Outings by thestarter


Press Release

The Association for Advancement of Mental Health (AAMH) is proud to announce its 17th Annual Golf Outing to be held on Monday, October 1, 2007 at the beautiful Cherry Valley Country Club in Skillman, NJ. The event directly subsidizes AAMH’s Supported Employment program.

AAMH is a private, non-profit, community-based mental health center that has been providing comprehensive services for over 30 years to Mercer County children, adolescents, adults and their families whose lives are adversely affected by emotional distress and psychiatric illness. Each client is viewed individually and their goals are specific to their needs and capabilities. The Supported Employment program enables individuals, recovering from serious mental illness, to secure and maintain competitive employment.

Last year’s event was a huge success, raising over $60,000 to benefit AAMH. This year an attendance of nearly 100 individuals, including community and business leaders, is anticipated. The golf outing will begin at 9:30am with registration, followed by an 11:00am Shotgun Start. The cocktail reception will begin at 5:00pm followed by dinner, which will include great raffle and auction prizes.

Golf packages are $290 per person and include continental breakfast, lunch, golf, open driving range, cocktails & dinner. Cocktail & Dinner only tickets are also available for $100 per person. All tickets and golf packages can be purchased by mail, fax, phone or through the AAMH website at http://www.aamh.org/event_registration.asp?ev8ID=1. Sponsorship and advertising opportunities are available and donations are being accepted. For more information on how you can support this or any other AAMH event, please call Jamie Simpson at 609-759-7557 or email jsimpson@aamh.org.