SOCMA's Annual Member/Guest Golf Tournament
Jun 29 2007 in Events and Outings by thestarter
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Chesterfield, New Jersey, USA
The Synthetic Organic Chemical Manufacturers Association (SOCMA) will host its next charity golf tournament in Chesterfield, NJ on September 11, 2007. This will be the fourth year SOCMA members, colleagues, customers, and other guests will raise money in support of the American Chemical Society (ACS) Scholars Program. The Scholars Program helps fund the continuing education of gifted, deserving African American, Hispanic/Latino and American Indian students looking to pursue undergraduate college degrees in chemical sciences and chemical technology.
If you are interested in contributing to this cause, making contacts within the specialty chemical industry, or you just want to play the state-of-the-art Gary Player-designed course at Olde York Country Club, you may register as an individual or bring your favorite foursome.
Visit for more details, updates and registration.
Early-bird tournament fees are available through August 11: $250 for individuals, $1,000 per foursome. Tournament Fees include greens fee, cart fees for foursome, boxed lunch, reception, dinner, awards and prizes. Sponsorships are also available.
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