Trump to Rescue Meadowlands Golf Project?

Nov 12 2007 in Events and Outings by thestarter

08Trump-600 SmNew York Times reported on Trump's announcement to rescue the EnCap golf and housing development:

The developer Donald J. Trump pledged yesterday to rescue the troubled EnCap golf and housing development in the New Jersey Meadowlands, saying he would come up with a new design, a world-class golf course and more upscale housing.

Donald Trump says he will find a new master plan for the housing and golf course to be built at the Meadowlands in New Jersey. Critics were wary of Mr. Trump’s involvement in the project.

Mr. Trump said in an interview that he had signed a deal to become a 50-50 partner with the current builder, Cherokee Investment Partners, in developing 785 acres covering four garbage dumps stretching across Lynhurst and Rutherford, N.J. The developer said he had already started interviewing five firms to find a new master planner for the project.

But Christopher Gale, a spokesman for the Meadowlands Commission, reportedly said “We don’t have any information concerning Mr. Trump, nor has anyone at this agency been approached by Mr. Trump.”

Should be an interesting story…