Long Valley Woman's Club Third Annual Charity Golf Outing

Mar 17 2008 in Events and Outings by thestarter


On May 8th 2008, The Long Valley Woman's Club will sponsor its Third Annual Charity Golf Outing at the Hawk Pointe Golf Club at 294 Route 31 in Washington, N.J. All proceeds will benefit local charities and community organizations.

Registration begins at 10:30 a.m. with a box lunch on a cart at 11:30. The shotgun start is at 12:00 p.m. followed by awards, dinner buffet, and cash bar at 4:30 p.m. The cost is $155 per golfer. Pre-registration by May 1st is required. Register on-line at lvwcgolf.xpgr.com or mail: name, address, phone of everyone in your group, along with your check made out to:

Long Valley Woman's Club

Attn: Golf Outing Chairman

P.O. Box 534

Long Valley, N.J. 07853

Anyone wishing to attend the dinner without golfing may send a check for $40 to the same address. The dinner buffet is at 4:30 p.m.