Golfer's Shanked Tee Shot Saves Injured Dirt Biker
Oct 13 2007 in Events and Outings by thestarter
From Bad Golf Shot Leads To Incredible Rescue:
A bad golf swing may have saved the life of an injured dirt biker in central New Jersey. Really.
The man was rescued after spending 17 hours trapped in the woods.
Dr. Vincent Romeo is a good golfer, usually hitting in the low 80s. On Thursday, though, he shanked a shot, clipping his ball way to the right of fairway 8 of New Jersey's Forsgate Country Club in Monroe. That one bad swing led to a hole-in-one for a dirt biker injured in the woods by the golf course. When Dr. Romeo went to his errant golf ball, he thought he heard something, but decided it was the wind.
“I am about ready to hit it again and I hear another cry and I realize … there was somebody,” Romeo said.
Romeo then walked over to the woods and called out.
Read the full story here.
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