Controversy as White Oaks Country Club sold to state in Green Acres purchase
Nov 2 2006 in Events and Outings by thestarter
From Group slams golf course deal as a bogey at
The state is spending $4.3 million to buy a Franklin Township golf course and preserve it as open space, but one environmental group criticized such setups as a “sweetheart deal” for course owners who can continue leasing the greens.
The state should be spending its dwindling funds for preserving open space elsewhere, argued Jeff Tittel, director of the New Jersey chapter of the Sierra Club.
State and local officials said the purchase was in line with the state's preservation goals.
The 237-acre White Oaks Country Club off Dutch Mill Road which will operate as usual under its former owners for the immediate future is one of several courses the state has purchased in recent years to block further development. Golfers are still teeing off on some, while others are being used for different purposes.
According to those involved in the acquisition, the state closed the deal for the 18-hole Franklin Township course in mid October. The $4.3-million price tag is equivalent to about 86,000 rounds of golf at the course.
Check out the full article. White Oaks Country Club's web site is here.
Technorati Tags: golf, Green+Acres, New+Jersey, NJ, White+Oaks
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