by thestarter

J-Walkers Golf for the Cure

May 14 2008 in Events and Outings by thestarter

Please note the new date! J-Walkers for the Cure, a NJ non-profit corporation, is pleased to announce our second annual J-Walkers Golf for the Cure. This event is being held again at the prestigious Pine Hill Golf Club in Pine Hill, New Jersey on Tuesday, May 27th, 2008. The format is a 4-man scramble. Your […]

by thestarter

Golf Outing Offers Prizes Including Cars and $1,000,000 Hole-in-One

May 8 2008 in Events and Outings by thestarter

New Brunswick, NJ – If golf is your passion (as well as theatre), New Brunswick's George Street Playhouse invites you to participate in their 17th Annual Benefit Gold Tournament, to be held Monday, June 16 on the Banks course at Forsgate Country Club eighteen of the most challenging holes of golf in the state. The […]

by thestarter

Eleventh Hour Rescue's Benefit Golf Outing

May 7 2008 in Events and Outings by thestarter

On Thursday, July 10th, Eleventh Hour Rescue will hold its first benefit Golf Outing at The Knoll Country Club (West Course) in Parsippany, New Jersey. Slated to be one of Eleventh Hour Rescue's biggest events for 2008, the Golf Outing will be a day of golf, with lunch, a cocktail reception, dinner and prizes, all […]

by thestarter

North Brunswick Volunteer Fire Company 2nd Annual Golf Outing

Apr 30 2008 in Events and Outings by thestarter

The North Brunswick Volunteer Fire Company #3 is hosting the 2nd Annual Golf Outing on Monday June 16, 2008 at the Bunker Hill Golf Course in Princeton, NJ. Shot gun start at 1:00pm. $100.00 per golfer includes greens fee, lunch, dinner, and giveaways. For more information please contact Craig Snediker at

by thestarter

The Sunshine Foundation's 11th Annual Golf Tournament At Harbor Pines

Apr 21 2008 in Events and Outings by thestarter

The Sunshine Foundation's sole purpose is to answer the dreams of seriously ill, physically challenged and abused children aged three to eighteen, whose families cannot fulfill their requests due to financial strain that the child's illness may cause. Help the organization by attending their 11th Annual Golf Tournament At Harbor Pines, 15 minutes from Atlantic […]

by thestarter

Does new Bergen-Hudson Course Make Financial Sense?

Apr 7 2008 in Events and Outings by thestarter

From, Public golf course on landfill called money pit: A proposed 18-hole public golf course atop North Arlington and Kearny landfills would cost $30 million to $40 million to complete and could not pay for itself, according to a 124-page report released by the National Golf Foundation. That cost also could prove to be […]

by thestarter

6th Annual Charles Garbarini Golf Outing

Mar 23 2008 in Events and Outings by thestarter

Cranbury Golf Club 49 Southfield Road West Windsor, New Jersey 08550 (609) 799-0341 You are cordially invited to join the Milltown Fire Department for the Sixth Annual Charles Garbarini Golf Outing on June 9, 2008. Charles, a Lieutenant with the New York City Fire Department, was lost in the disaster of September 11, 2001. […]

by thestarter

Long Valley Woman's Club Third Annual Charity Golf Outing

Mar 17 2008 in Events and Outings by thestarter

On May 8th 2008, The Long Valley Woman's Club will sponsor its Third Annual Charity Golf Outing at the Hawk Pointe Golf Club at 294 Route 31 in Washington, N.J. All proceeds will benefit local charities and community organizations. Registration begins at 10:30 a.m. with a box lunch on a cart at 11:30. The shotgun […]

by thestarter

All Saints Episcopal Day School "Tee Off For Kids"

Mar 4 2008 in Events and Outings by thestarter

All Saints Episcopal Day School of Hoboken NJ is holding it's 12th annual “Tee Off For Kids” golf outing at Crystal Springs 5/16/2008. All Proceeds beneifit our scholarship fund. Register on line at: or call Karen Kinney 201-420-4469 for more info.

by thestarter

Tenth Annual Anderson House Golf Outing

Feb 21 2008 in Events and Outings by thestarter

Stanton Ridge Golf and Country Club June 2, 2008 Route 523, Whitehouse Station, NJ This all-day event, includes golf and cart, lunch, dinner, prizes, silent and live auctions. Each player receives a special gift as well as a bag full of goodies. Shotgun start at 12:30 p.m. Sponsorships available. Early bird special for individual golfers […]